Why Should I Consider Creating A Sports Council?
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Sports councils can be used in a variety of ways, and are becoming more and more popular in both primary and secondary schools across the country. In this blog, we will look at the purpose of a sports council, the benefits of having one and what you can do to create your own. 

What Is The Purpose Of A Sports Council?
We have all heard of the ‘pupil voice’ so when it comes to PE & school sport one of the best ways to tap into this is through a specific Sports Council. The Sports Council are an elected group of individuals representing their peers and have several responsibilities; the most important one is providing a voice for all pupils in the school in all matters regarding sport and PE. 

What Are The Benefits Of Creating A Sports Council?
A sports council has many benefits for both you and the children! Here are just a few positives to come out of creating one:

  • It will help you improve the PESSPA offering in your school. You will hear directly from the children what they want to see and how they want to approach it. They may even give you some genius ideas!
  • Your teaching will improve as a result. The children will be able to breakdown their wants and needs into detail which can then feed into your delivery. 
  • You will build a strong relationship with the children sitting on the sports council. It’s not often children are asked for their honest opinions, so providing them with a safe space to do so creates great mutual respect. 
  • The children will learn both leadership and life skills. They will be asked to take the lead, to communicate clearly, to work as a team and to implement ideas throughout the school. These are amazing skills for them to be learning! 

How Do I Go About Creating My Own Sports Council?
It’s really easy to get started, and we’ve made it even easier with our Ultimate PE Leader Pack! In there, we provide a template sports council application form, as well as a blurb explaining the need for a sports council and a breakdown of how to organise it. Take a look!



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